Thursday, November 9, 2017

Texas Church Massacre

The outcome of the Texas church massacre is clear, leaving 26 dead and multiple others injured. The motive is still unclear and that is what people are still trying to figure out including the FBI which aims to unlock the shooter's phone to gather more information.

A simple solution offered by President Trump reveals that this was simply a "mental health issue." Not a gun problem.

A complete contrast to Sen. Chris Murphy who clearly states that this incident occurred due to a gun control problem.

What we can gather from this...

Millions of Americans live with mental health issues; receiving medicine to control their dopamine or serotonin levels in the brain. There is no chemical in the brain that tells you to grab a gun and start shooting others. There are issues that help cause someone to think in the particular manner but lets get one thing straight; there is no chemical that gives someone the permission to hurt another.

So the shooter has to have a motive; not a "diseased" mind but something that was the underlying factor to his actions. What we can tell is this shooting was politically, socially motivated, or provoked in some manner. Meaning the shooter was influenced by a group or organization, was somehow influenced by society possibly the Las Vegas Concert shootings, or was provoked such as being subject to a mental health system he did not deem fit. He was angry at society and took it out on the people residing in a church... It will be interesting to see what the shooter was viewing on the internet that might of radicalized him.  

What he did not do; was diminish the lives of authority or first responders. So was he angry at police? No. He took is undesirable rage out on the victims, once again, in a church. So what does that tell us about his character? There are no words to describe. 

On the other hand, this could very well be a gun control issue as Sen. Chris Murphy has stated. Is it crazy for citizens to be able to purchase automatic rifles just in case society fails the people it swears to protect? We don't know. The founding father's did whatever they could to obtain modern arms to help build an independent nation. On the other hand the founding fathers never had automatic rifles as well and the gunman was shot by another gunman. So the answer is unclear whether or not this is a mental health issue or even a gun control issue.  

So what is the issue?
If both sides are wrong what are we missing?
*What kind of household did the shooter group up in?
*Did the shooter not respect his or her elected officals?
*What were the underlying causes of his mental illness? (Will probably be kept confidential)
*How did the shooter obtain automatic weapons? Is this not the most important fact?
*How did the shooter decide who his victims were going to be, there has to be some reasoning as to why he chose a church. 

It could very well be just a random act of violence by someone who had incompetent facts in which he perceived reality (epistemology). Which is not a mental health issue but could be relative from books the shooter has read, television shows, and videos.  

A tragic mystery waiting to be solved.

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